Wednesday 26 February 2014


Down below is a risk assessment I conduct whilst the other members of my group did shot list and story boarding. This was a easy task to care out because we was going to the woods and I could identify the main dangers that could occur for example falling into a lake or running into wild animals.
From the risk assessment I can now keep myself safe and my group safe and other around me whilst filming are film.  This will helps us get work down quicker and safer when without a teacher. Furthermore it will teach us to stay away from all danger.
However, it could be hard to find  place int the word which has no danger around where we are filming  so we will have to follow the risk assessment.

Friday 21 February 2014


Here are pictures of the costume are character will be wearing. As you can see we have used a lot of light colours such as the gloves, jumper, bag and shoes are either cream or white. white colours normally are used to show purity and innocents. this allows the audience to know that the girl is a good character and is innocent but however they know something bad is going to happen to here as when conduct my horror research the innocent character always have something bad happen to them. Furthermore the clothes we have used are clothes that are target audience would where which are people aged 17-30. in addition to this are character  is 17 but she looks between the ages of 17-19. This allows the audience to relate to the character as they have the same taste and interest as each other. This is a theory made by Blumer and Kats and how audience consume media text, so the audience we enjoy the film more and be more enganged as they feel that they have a connetion with the character.
Horror sequence outfit

Tuesday 18 February 2014


Down below is are embed storyboard. We don't have any dialog so there was no need for a script. Jawaad made the storyboard we amy's help whilst i was conduct the health and safe list. Amy right the shot we was going to do in a shot list whilst she was tell Jawaad what each shot was so he could draw it out and this would help to see if are shot where conventional of the horror genre. We also ensured that we was using match on action so we wasn't using one boring shot all the way through match on action will help us engage the audience more into the open sequence which will keep the audience enganged thought the film. Also we can see if we where using a variety of differnt and we could also  see if we could carryout the safety and correctly if not we where able to change it to something more suitable  however we never had these. The storyboard help us foresee away problem with are opening sequence this is because we could see if we was being conventional. Furthermore it gave up and estimate on are timings of each shot so we could check if we where correct with are times and we wasn't under timed or over timed. The storyboard will help us get are filming down quicker and effectivity as we know what shot we are going to be filming and  how to carry them out.

Friday 14 February 2014


Here is some pictures of where we conduct and filmed are open sequence of are horror movie. We filmed are opening sequence at bentley priory reverse. This was a good location because we need a lake a bentley priory had three that we could use the first one we found hard to keep the camera straight the second we tried we couldn't find the third one was a prefect location for us to carry out are filming. The reason we need a lake was to show that the whole movie was going to be around that lake all the mysterious things that happened. So it was crucial we had a lake so we didn't have to go back and change any planning or think up with something on the spot.

Tuesday 11 February 2014


Down below is a shot list that my group constructed. The reason why we made a shot list was because that we could know what shot we where going to use when filming and see if we could identify any problems with doing any of them. however there where no problems that we could indemnity make this task very easy for us and most likely make are filming quicker and easy as we now know what we are doing and don't have to think on the stop when we are filming to think of a shot or anything we could add as it has already been down. So are filming will go very smotthly and we can get it done luckier and more faster and finish before are deadline. Futhermore, we are using clear media rules and shots such as match on action and 180 degree rule. Morevover, a varity of shot like close up mid shot long shot oversoulder low angle and high angle.

Monday 10 February 2014


Down below is two of the indents we have created in for are horror movie. We will include them in at the start of the movie to show which production companies helped contribute towards it. The first one is heated production I got the clip of the fire from This is a free website that you can take clips off for free which aren't copyrighted. The sound which was used in heated production was non-diegetic sound from which is a non copyrighted sound which anyone can use. I think heated production is a suitable indent for are movie as fire is conventional for a horror and it can represent the devil.
The easy part of making this indent was fitting in the music to go in to make a sound of a flame burning out was very easy to find and make it flow with the clip. The hardest part was choosing the right as it was hard to find writing which was effective to make it look like it was burning as their was no text i could find to make it look like the writing was burn, i decide to make the writing red to represent blood as blood is conventional to horror movies.

The second indent green eyed production was very difficult to make it conventional for a horror movie so the only way we could do this was to add sound that we was using in the opening in are horror movie. This will make the audience think what that sound coming from whys it blaming this relates to the enigma code making the audience question.
One of my group member Jawaad had green eyes so we used his eye and filmed his eye opening to create a sense that he has had a nightmare so we was trying to be conventional by making him look shocked. This indent was vey easy to make compared to heated production as we wasn't as conventional.
If i was to go back a redo do the indent i would try a be more conventional by made using something which is more conventional like blood splats or devil horns

Tuesday 28 January 2014


Indents are shown at the start of a movie to show who helped construct and produced the film. Indents have changed over the years. For example universal has changed its indents since they first started producing on the big screen in the 1990 they reached their 75th anniversary so they recapped on their previous indents. Universal have always used a motion of the world to show off their indent the reason they could be using the world is to show that they are either global around the world over they are taking over the world with their great films. In the 1990s it shows the world as being very bright to show how good they are and are making the world more bright when watching their movies. Furthermore, universal is writing in gold to show off their success over 75 years in production and to represent their wealth. At the end the number 75 is written very elegant to show they are prestigious over the years. Moreover, the music they use is used to build up to the movie to represent how good it  is going to be.

However, if your compare the 1990 universal indent to the 2013 there is a big differences in the motion and digital technology used but the mean to remain the same. The universal writing in still goes around the world to show that universal is still global. However the writing has changed to sliver with a gold outline. The reason why the have used gold and sliver is to show that they still have wealth and are prestigious the sliver is used to make them stand out more so show they are still going strong. The world compared to the writing is small the could should that universal have taken over the world. I notice that the sun flows the universal writing this shows that they control the universe as it goes across the world the world seem to light up and come alive for them. The lighting is really clear to show off their power around the world the light is really bright this could mean that the universe is shine their light on them to represent their success. In addition to this the music has remain the same since 1990 to 2013 this is maybe to remember their success they have in all the years they have been around.

 The next two indents I looked at was Walt Disney picture. The first clip is Disney's indent for 2013. In the indent the sound is instrumental with firework. the instrumental could be used to show the success on Disney's business. This show off the success by using the music as Disney start off at the bottom and the music builds up to show how they went from bottom to top. The firework is used to show that Disney are celebrating their success and enjoying it as the colours of the firework are bright colours such as yellow and green which are now used to show happiness. Furthermore another way Disney show off there success is by using a huge castle this show that Disney are also quite an old company as they use things that normally used in that time period such as the castle but a stream train at the start which looks like it is travelling to the castle. Disney also show off the wealth of the company by using gold on the tips and points on the castle. Also the castle is very bright and everything around the castle is dull so the castle is the place to go when your feeling upset or bored to shows that the Disney movies are there to entertain you and make you feel happy. 

However Disney indents change for different movie such as pirates of the Caribbean.The music is still instrumental but it is more intense an scary to show that the movie isn't going to be no happy movie it may be a little different with a few scares. The firework are also black and so is the castle to show that Disney happiness has been replaced by the darkness of the pirates.Moreover the flag has been replaced by a pirate's flag to show that the castle has been take over and so has Disney to show that Disney is now a dark place. Also there are to sharks that jumper over each other this is to show that in movie they are likely to be at sea in the movie because there pirates. 

lastly the writing in both clips is decorative and is scripted front this is most likely used to show how old Disney is also how success full they are as the writing is in sliver .

Wednesday 22 January 2014


The first document shows are first film pitch draft where we had to produce a document explain what are horror movie is about by giving a synopsis to example what are horror is about. At first we decide to do a paranormal horror inculding the devil with to boys people coming viticms of the lake. We was going to do this by trying use some special effect such as make trees fall and the water ripple in the lake. We was going to use to boys because boys normally like football and they was going to play football as they where bored and had nothing to do so we was being stereotypical. The reason why we decide to use paranormal was because she looked at are questionnaire and realised that most of the age rage we was aiming at liked paranormal movies.

Down below is are feedback we got from are film pitch from are peers we took everyone thoughts into consideration and decide to make a number of changes. We changed are sub genre to a slasher/paramoraml as it would be easier to construct in the environment we was filming so we have to change the number a the log line and synopsis  to make it more conventional of horror.Also we found out that it might be a bit difficult to carry out some paranormal shot as they many difficult to do without having any special effect which could happen so we kept so elements to make to the open scene more mysterious for the audience to try and find out what is actually cause the weird thing which are happen and who is doing them. Moreover, we had to change the character and the reasons why we chose to do this. Furthermore we need to include more on the story in are synopsis as a lot of the feedback we got said we show give more away from peers like stacey and Arthur.

Down below is are changed  film pitch from the feedback we received first of all as we wasn't  doing anything that involve the devil as it would be hard to follow out some paranormal activities such as the water rippling and branches falling. So we change the titlle to stranger by the lake as the horror was going to be a young girl getting caught and killed by a mysterious man how kills anyone that comes to the lake then we had to change are sub genre to a slasher as he would cut the viticms all over their body to torture them. Therefore, we changed are synopsis to a young girl being the victim as this is more conventional in horror in Texas chain saw mascara the main victim is a girl and scream they are also a girl being killed by males. The reason for change is because of the feedback we got as it would be more easy to carry out the shot we where gonna use in this horror also it would make it more interesting to mix up to sub-genre to make the audience question if it is a slasher or paranormal horror. Making the audience relate to the narrative theory enigma code 

Wednesday 15 January 2014


In this task we ha do create a step to step outline of the opening of a horror movie of are own choosing. I chose Texas chainsaw massacre the task was very easy to carry out we had watch a write a description about what the first to minutes was about the timings it took place miss-en0scene sound camerawork editing and typography. It was very easy to look for all these details and write about they was nothing difficult for me about this task and we had 4 weeks to carry it out.

I have learnt by doing a step outline that most horror movies use to indents which take up a minute of are 2 mins in are film. the start of Texas chain saw massacre they recap on what happened in the pervious film. and show all the deaths but do not finish what happened it the first 2 minutes. We take this into consideration when making the first 2 minutes on are film and how much we have to include.

This is going to help us when making are horror movie. This is because we can plan out how long are indents are going to be and we don't have to make the look scary. In Texas chainsaw they use the music to make it scary and go straight into the film and film roughly a minute. Also we discorded the first one doesn't have to be scary we just have to follow the convention of horror e.g. blood knifes ghost and devils depending on what type of horror we decide to do.

The second step to step outline is down by a different member of my group Jawaad.  He looked at the opening of the exorcist and analysed it and this will help us decide our opening because he will bring in different ideas from a different sub genre of horror. This will help us if we decide to do his sub genre as we will be able to follow the convention they did at the start of the film to make it scary and look like a horror. 

Tuesday 14 January 2014


Questionnaire evaluation is below in the YouTube clip. We are going to uses these results from are questionnaire to help us create are film. We learnt that most people like slasher and their favorite movie that scared them was drag me to hell. So we decide to make a paranormal horror as we wanted to scary people who watch it.