Tuesday 28 January 2014


Indents are shown at the start of a movie to show who helped construct and produced the film. Indents have changed over the years. For example universal has changed its indents since they first started producing on the big screen in the 1990 they reached their 75th anniversary so they recapped on their previous indents. Universal have always used a motion of the world to show off their indent the reason they could be using the world is to show that they are either global around the world over they are taking over the world with their great films. In the 1990s it shows the world as being very bright to show how good they are and are making the world more bright when watching their movies. Furthermore, universal is writing in gold to show off their success over 75 years in production and to represent their wealth. At the end the number 75 is written very elegant to show they are prestigious over the years. Moreover, the music they use is used to build up to the movie to represent how good it  is going to be.

However, if your compare the 1990 universal indent to the 2013 there is a big differences in the motion and digital technology used but the mean to remain the same. The universal writing in still goes around the world to show that universal is still global. However the writing has changed to sliver with a gold outline. The reason why the have used gold and sliver is to show that they still have wealth and are prestigious the sliver is used to make them stand out more so show they are still going strong. The world compared to the writing is small the could should that universal have taken over the world. I notice that the sun flows the universal writing this shows that they control the universe as it goes across the world the world seem to light up and come alive for them. The lighting is really clear to show off their power around the world the light is really bright this could mean that the universe is shine their light on them to represent their success. In addition to this the music has remain the same since 1990 to 2013 this is maybe to remember their success they have in all the years they have been around.

 The next two indents I looked at was Walt Disney picture. The first clip is Disney's indent for 2013. In the indent the sound is instrumental with firework. the instrumental could be used to show the success on Disney's business. This show off the success by using the music as Disney start off at the bottom and the music builds up to show how they went from bottom to top. The firework is used to show that Disney are celebrating their success and enjoying it as the colours of the firework are bright colours such as yellow and green which are now used to show happiness. Furthermore another way Disney show off there success is by using a huge castle this show that Disney are also quite an old company as they use things that normally used in that time period such as the castle but a stream train at the start which looks like it is travelling to the castle. Disney also show off the wealth of the company by using gold on the tips and points on the castle. Also the castle is very bright and everything around the castle is dull so the castle is the place to go when your feeling upset or bored to shows that the Disney movies are there to entertain you and make you feel happy. 

However Disney indents change for different movie such as pirates of the Caribbean.The music is still instrumental but it is more intense an scary to show that the movie isn't going to be no happy movie it may be a little different with a few scares. The firework are also black and so is the castle to show that Disney happiness has been replaced by the darkness of the pirates.Moreover the flag has been replaced by a pirate's flag to show that the castle has been take over and so has Disney to show that Disney is now a dark place. Also there are to sharks that jumper over each other this is to show that in movie they are likely to be at sea in the movie because there pirates. 

lastly the writing in both clips is decorative and is scripted front this is most likely used to show how old Disney is also how success full they are as the writing is in sliver .

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