Tuesday 11 February 2014


Down below is a shot list that my group constructed. The reason why we made a shot list was because that we could know what shot we where going to use when filming and see if we could identify any problems with doing any of them. however there where no problems that we could indemnity make this task very easy for us and most likely make are filming quicker and easy as we now know what we are doing and don't have to think on the stop when we are filming to think of a shot or anything we could add as it has already been down. So are filming will go very smotthly and we can get it done luckier and more faster and finish before are deadline. Futhermore, we are using clear media rules and shots such as match on action and 180 degree rule. Morevover, a varity of shot like close up mid shot long shot oversoulder low angle and high angle.

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