Monday 25 November 2013

Preliminary Task AS Media


This post below is are preliminary task. In this task we had to make a 60-90 second clip where there is a character walking through a hallway to a room and exchange a few words with another character. We had to demonstrate this by doing a variety of different shots e.g close up mid shot and long shot. For example in the clip there is an extreme close up of a character opening a door. We had to work in a group of 4 my role in the group was to work with the cameras Fatima and Jawaad where actors and Amy edited.  When doing this we had to remember the key things the task was asking us to do. They where to make sure that we showed match on action 180 degree rule also used a variety of different shots and finally remember that we had to show shot reverse shot between the two characters and ensured their eye levels matched.

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