Tuesday 26 November 2013



The task below is are evaluation for are preliminary task. In this task we had to find a way to be creative and evaluate in a unique way. We decide to do and interview with each group member Jawaad was the interviewer and Amy Fatima and myself where getting interviewed by Jawaad and Jawaad was going to be interviewed by Amy. My role was to set up the camera to film the interview and edit. Once done I realised that are evaluation was very weak. However, we didn't have any more time to go back an redo it. This was because we had move on to are next task. If we fined enough time to evaluate any we will redo until then I will carry on moving forward. 

Monday 25 November 2013

Preliminary Task AS Media


This post below is are preliminary task. In this task we had to make a 60-90 second clip where there is a character walking through a hallway to a room and exchange a few words with another character. We had to demonstrate this by doing a variety of different shots e.g close up mid shot and long shot. For example in the clip there is an extreme close up of a character opening a door. We had to work in a group of 4 my role in the group was to work with the cameras Fatima and Jawaad where actors and Amy edited.  When doing this we had to remember the key things the task was asking us to do. They where to make sure that we showed match on action 180 degree rule also used a variety of different shots and finally remember that we had to show shot reverse shot between the two characters and ensured their eye levels matched.

Monday 11 November 2013

Match on action


Match on action is action commenced in shot A is completed in shot B, or an action in shot A is mirrored by an action in shot B. In this activity we had to demonstrate match on action. 

We carried out the task by split are self up into group of fours or threes, my group was a four in my group was Jawaad Amy Fatima and myself. Once we where in our group we then decide which way would be the best to carry out match on action. My group and me thought the best way to carry this out was to film a person walking up the stairs using a varity of camera shots e.g. Close up mid shot high angle low angle. After we did this we the went out and filmed it, Fatima was the actress Me and Jawaad where the camera men and amy was doing the editing. It took us half the lesson to film this was because we had discussed what we was doing before we started. Once we had finished filming we then upload are footage and started editing this took longer as we had a lot of footage to look through and put the right bits we need in the clip so it didn't jump. 

The most simplest part of this activity was filming this was because we had discussed how we was going to carry this out also the shots we did where very easy to film. Furthermore I enjoy filming so I tried my best to film to the best of my ability. 

The most hardest part of this activity was editing. This was because we had to look through all are footage and find the right