Monday 7 October 2013

AS Media Shot reverse shot and 180 degree rule activity


180 degree rule is guideline regarding the filming of a spacial relationship between a character and another character. The camera and the characters do not go pass the axis they both stay on one side. Character a would always appear framed to the left of character b and character b would always be appear framed to the right.

Shot reverse shot is a film technique where one character is shown looking at another character. The other character is the shown looking back at the first character. It is important that their eye line matches so the audience know they are looking at each other.

I had actor in the clip this was very easy for me but the challenging part was trying to keep a straight face and stay focus and keep my eye level matching jawaad's the easiest part was remembering my lines.

After we had finished we then peer assed are work. My peer said that the control of camera was good as we obeyed the 180 degree rule, but  the said there was too much or a gap in between me a jawaad which made it look like i was standing far away from him. They also told us what went well and even better if. They said what went well was good use of editing on iMovie and the conversation is relevant to the activity. For the even better if was the framing and use of tripod needs to be Improved as it's not clear and characters eye contact isn't clear and this make the conversation look slightly unrealistic.

Taking all there point in i believe that we could make these changes and are clip would be a lot better.

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