Thursday 19 September 2013

Welcome to my blog


My name is Yaaseen Khan I am studying media A level. The reason I am studying media A level is because I study it a GCSE and found it interesting and fun I achieved a B grade in it so I want to improve on my grade. I am currently studying at Swakeleys sixth form. 
On this blog i will be showing off my coursework. My coursework is to create an opening of a horror movie. So be prepared to see some horror! My candidate number is 9381

1 comment:

  1. Hi Yaaseen,

    A good start but literacy is a big part of it so go back and edit this post to ensure:
    - capitals at the start of sentences.
    - capitalised 'I'
    - capitalise proper nouns - 'Khan', 'Media A Level' and 'Swakeleys Sixth Form'
