Wednesday 26 February 2014


Down below is a risk assessment I conduct whilst the other members of my group did shot list and story boarding. This was a easy task to care out because we was going to the woods and I could identify the main dangers that could occur for example falling into a lake or running into wild animals.
From the risk assessment I can now keep myself safe and my group safe and other around me whilst filming are film.  This will helps us get work down quicker and safer when without a teacher. Furthermore it will teach us to stay away from all danger.
However, it could be hard to find  place int the word which has no danger around where we are filming  so we will have to follow the risk assessment.

Friday 21 February 2014


Here are pictures of the costume are character will be wearing. As you can see we have used a lot of light colours such as the gloves, jumper, bag and shoes are either cream or white. white colours normally are used to show purity and innocents. this allows the audience to know that the girl is a good character and is innocent but however they know something bad is going to happen to here as when conduct my horror research the innocent character always have something bad happen to them. Furthermore the clothes we have used are clothes that are target audience would where which are people aged 17-30. in addition to this are character  is 17 but she looks between the ages of 17-19. This allows the audience to relate to the character as they have the same taste and interest as each other. This is a theory made by Blumer and Kats and how audience consume media text, so the audience we enjoy the film more and be more enganged as they feel that they have a connetion with the character.
Horror sequence outfit

Tuesday 18 February 2014


Down below is are embed storyboard. We don't have any dialog so there was no need for a script. Jawaad made the storyboard we amy's help whilst i was conduct the health and safe list. Amy right the shot we was going to do in a shot list whilst she was tell Jawaad what each shot was so he could draw it out and this would help to see if are shot where conventional of the horror genre. We also ensured that we was using match on action so we wasn't using one boring shot all the way through match on action will help us engage the audience more into the open sequence which will keep the audience enganged thought the film. Also we can see if we where using a variety of differnt and we could also  see if we could carryout the safety and correctly if not we where able to change it to something more suitable  however we never had these. The storyboard help us foresee away problem with are opening sequence this is because we could see if we was being conventional. Furthermore it gave up and estimate on are timings of each shot so we could check if we where correct with are times and we wasn't under timed or over timed. The storyboard will help us get are filming down quicker and effectivity as we know what shot we are going to be filming and  how to carry them out.

Friday 14 February 2014


Here is some pictures of where we conduct and filmed are open sequence of are horror movie. We filmed are opening sequence at bentley priory reverse. This was a good location because we need a lake a bentley priory had three that we could use the first one we found hard to keep the camera straight the second we tried we couldn't find the third one was a prefect location for us to carry out are filming. The reason we need a lake was to show that the whole movie was going to be around that lake all the mysterious things that happened. So it was crucial we had a lake so we didn't have to go back and change any planning or think up with something on the spot.

Tuesday 11 February 2014


Down below is a shot list that my group constructed. The reason why we made a shot list was because that we could know what shot we where going to use when filming and see if we could identify any problems with doing any of them. however there where no problems that we could indemnity make this task very easy for us and most likely make are filming quicker and easy as we now know what we are doing and don't have to think on the stop when we are filming to think of a shot or anything we could add as it has already been down. So are filming will go very smotthly and we can get it done luckier and more faster and finish before are deadline. Futhermore, we are using clear media rules and shots such as match on action and 180 degree rule. Morevover, a varity of shot like close up mid shot long shot oversoulder low angle and high angle.